Our proposed scenario for Brisbane in 2050, is a carless CBD which has mitigated and improved the issues listed above through mixed-use infrastructure, retrofits and new buildings. We propose that transit oriented developments and current major centres are decentralised nodes around the city which are beginning to be more self-sufficient, sustaining commercial, retail, hospitality and residential viability.
Mixed use serves numerous purposes. Firstly, it has the capability to create a far more diverse and dynamic city. Rather than concerntrating specific building types in regions of the city, we propose to disperse all building typologies throughout the city. Mixed-use also provides more economic viability. Currently, Queen St is a relatively dormant night space. By providing functions which accomodate day and night activities, better social and economic consquences will happen.
I believe that the only way that we can really improve the current conditions of the environment is to provide economic gain for developers. Flourishing social engagement is what will achieve economic gain so designing for the context and what the community actually needs will play a big part. 'Erasing Architecture into the system' by Arata Isozaki mentioned an interesting point - 'Though to do this, his method does not necessarily require
utopian or monumental constructs, but rather proposes lightweight recombination’s
of disposable components'. For change to happen, the infrastructure to support does not have to be monumental. We already have developed infrastructure over the past, why not use these and provide low impact alternate uses. Part of the challenge for future architects will be to solve issues without monumental change. A lot of change will come in leadership, which hopefully architects play a significant role.
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